An international exhibition, MY PLACE, was shown in South Africa last year; will be seen this year in Australia in march, and then in New Zealand. It comprises thirty 50cm square quilts from each country, 90 in all.
I previously blogged this on 16 june last year, but only showed the detail as the selection process for My Place exhibition was not complete. for further information about this exhibiton and its schedule, go to www.myplacequilts.com
It was new work for me at that time, but I have since gone on to make other works in this vein and subject matter. Compared with previous works, the techniques including slash and burn, lots of irregularity within structure and no binding or formal edging of any kind are ‘rough’ , but to work this free way has been exhilarating, and you will be able to see more when my new website goes live in a short couple of weeks or so.
From the body of work commenced with this piece, comes “Timetracks 7 ” which has been selected for Quilt National 09, and on the opening day for that exhibition, an image of it will appear on this blog and my website.