Is It June Already?

I was moving forward well on my plans to make at least two new quilts to enter Quilt National 25, (closing date August 31st) and two 40 cm sq pieces to enter Australia Wide 9 (closing date July 12th) but all once it seems, my attention and time were required elsewhere, away from my textile art.

First, it was fabulous to have one of my sisters visit from NZ for a hectic week, and naturally I didn’t even think of stitching anything while she was here. We talked our heads off, played cards, did a couple of tourist things, saw some tango, ate out several times, had a couple of friends around for dinner, consumed a few G&Ts and some wine, managed a bit of shopping and had pedicures.

In my studio, discussing current works, plans and inspirations with sister Sally who took this pic.

Also welcome was a couple of days of workmen in the house attending to some urgent maintenance things, and while it is great to have those done at last, that was all time and attention consuming. Unwelcome was the washing machine conking out completely beyond repair, requiring in the purchase of a new one. It is wonderful, but installation and the removal of the old one all took time, too. Also unwelcome were the medical consultations and tests in preparation for hip replacement surgery which suddenly became urgent in the past few weeks, and while I don’t yet have the date I do have fingers crossed that I can at least get one more suitable large work to the finishing and hand sewing stage, and another small one, ditto. It’s a bit soon yet to line up my photographer Eduardo, but from now on I need to focus. I’m torn between hoping the surgery is as soon as possible, but also hoping it’s not for a few weeks yet!

With this in mind, yesterday I edged one small piece for the AW9 entry call. The quilting in orange is finished and really gives it a dynamic lift, but in keeping with my policy I won’t show it in full until it’s been published/seen somewhere.

Work in progress, “Green Dimension 2′ is 30cm sq.

Today I put a binding on a quilt that has been waiting for this decision on the edging. and the hand sewing can be done some evening in front ot the TV. A few wet days are due next week – perfect for the two pieces I have in mind, and possibly hand sewing in front of the fire… because despite autumn leaves still clinging to some of the trees, everything indicates winter is approaching fast.

I’m stuck on the title for this, but considering ‘Rock Face,’ ‘Strata’, ‘Faultline’ or something longer like ‘Inspiration From The Earth’s Crust 1’I might have to get the in-house geologist to work on that.

2 Responses to “Is It June Already?”

  1. Caryl Peters says:

    Re title for “Rock Face” or “Strata”, the thing that came immediately to mind was the lava flow from the volcano in Iceland. The bright
    flowing lines on the dark background.
    Love your work. Good luck with the hip replacement. All the best, Caryl

  2. Alison says:

    Thanks for your interesting comment, Caryl! That has given me another angle to think about – Iceland, (and Kilauea has just erupted again, too) lava flows that show up dramatically at night, ribbons of red, and more phrases are now on my mind.

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